
Experienced editors for business

Sometimes it can be easier or quicker to write an initial draft of your material in house or have different people writing different sections. 

This gives you a good base to start from, but the style, tone and quality can be inconsistent, particularly if the contributors include multiple authors or non-native English speakers.

Our experienced, professional editors can smooth out and refine your text by judicious editing, condensing and distilling, to make sure that no matter who writes the initial drafts, the final version has a consistent style, tone and quality and positions your organisation in the best possible light.

Our editing services

Our professional editors can edit and restructure your text to improve the flow, refine the tone and ensure it reads clearly, consistently and professionally, even if written by multiple authors or non-native English speakers.

White papers

A well-written white paper can help to position your firm as a credible authority on a particular topic. But sloppy style or mistakes in grammar or syntax can jeopardise the credibility you’ve worked hard to earn.

Digital content

Whether you need a script for a promotional film, words for a key presentation or banner ads for an online campaign, we can edit your content to achieve your objectives.


Corporate reports, like annual, sustainability or governance reports, often have multiple contributors. Irrespective of how many writers are involved, our professional editors can make sure your reports speak with one voice.

Websites & SEO

Our experienced web and SEO editors can provide clean, crisp, keyword-friendly copy, blogs and news articles to drive people to your website – and keep them there.

Tenders and awards

If you’ve got a winning proposition, your tenders and awards submissions need to match. We’ll make sure your expertise and credentials shine through, helping you win new work and gain recognition for your achievements.


Successful branding can be the difference between success and failure. At Wordsworks, we’ll ensure your written material supports your brand, rather than conflicting with it.

What do our clients think?

"Engaging copy"

Being able to consistently rely on Wordsworks for punchy, engaging copy makes our job that little bit easier.

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University of Manchester


"Relevant content"

Wordsworks provided copy for the firm’s new website which not only delivered relevant content, but was pitched in a tone that perfectly reflected our firm’s way of doing business.

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Marketing manager

Top 50 UK law firm


10 out of 10. Very happy with the work, and have already recommended to others.

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Marketing manager

Top 50 accountancy plc

Why use our editing services?

Our editing services are about ensuring your organisation’s written material supports its professional image, rather than detracts from it. We help you engage readers, rather than bore or frustrate them. And through delivering high quality, accurate and coherent writing, we make sure your communications strengthen your credibility, rather than weaken it.

Expertise you can trust

We’ve been editing documents for clients since 2003 across a diverse range of sectors and topics.

Global experience

Our editing client base is global, so we’re used to editing for businesses and audiences in different countries, including non-native English speakers.

Trained editors

Although there are many overlaps with copywriting and proofreading, editing is a distinct skill – one our team is specifically trained in.

Rapid response

We have a team of editors, which gives us the scale and flexibility to handle the largest of briefs and the shortest of deadlines.

Get in touch

Wordsworks copywriting agency is based in Stockport, just outside Manchester in the UK. We’d be delighted to talk to you about your copywriting needs.
Email us at hello@wordsworks.co.uk. Or click the button below.

"Wordsworks is a reliable partner that listens and takes the time to understand us as a customer. We can always rely on their quality and professionalism for every project, saving both time and money. We rarely have to go back and forth with edits and corrections. They understand what we need and get it right first time."

Knauf, Denmark

You are no longer on your own

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Wordsworks Limited. Registered at 3rd floor, Broadstone House, Stockport SK5 7DL. Company number 04821382.


Wordsworks Copywriting

Broadstone House



0161 443 4206


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