
Professional proofreading services for business

Proofreading is the final, vital check before your words are published. Have any embarrassing typos or grammatical errors crept in? Are those last minute changes correct? Has house style been applied consistently?

Our proofreading team provides high quality proofreading services for clients across the UK and overseas. The team includes trained, professional proofreaders with decades of experience, not just amateurs with a ‘good eye’. A clumsy spelling mistake or sloppy grammar can puncture the credibility of even the most well written text. Why take the risk?

Wordsworks' highly experienced proofreaders can provide added reassurance that your written material presents your organisation professionally, credibly and accurately at all times.

Our proofreading services

Our proofreaders are specially trained in what they do and highly experienced across multiple industries and projects.

Correct grammar, spelling and punctuation errors
Highlight repetition and suggest alternative word choices
Spot inconsistencies in house style and usage
Identify unclear phrases and sentences, and suggest improvements
Check citations and references are clear and correct
Highlight differences in formatting and styles

What do our clients think?

"Great experience"

It was a great experience working with the Wordsworks team. They quickly got to grips with what we needed, helping us produce a vibrant, engaging guide for students.

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Higher education college



I’ve worked with Gareth and the Wordsworks team for almost 10 years, across three brands. Their ability to deliver concise, compelling and on-brand copy really sets them apart.

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Marketing manager

Top 20 UK building society

"No hesitation"

We engaged Wordsworks to write the web copy for one of the leading banks in the UAE. We would have no hesitation in working with them again in the future.

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Global digital consulting firm


Why use our proofreading services?

Why use Wordsworks to proofread your material? The answer is simple: because nothing beats a second pair of eyes.

You may think your documents are perfect, error-free and ready to go. Experience tells us otherwise. 

And small mistakes could have a big impact on your reputation, and even your bottom line.

Trained proofreaders

Our core proofreading team are specially trained and accredited by the Chartered Institute of Editing and Proofreading.

Expertise to rely on

We’ve been proofreading for clients since 2003 across a diverse spread of documents and subject areas.

Round-the-clock support

Our proofreading team spans both the UK and the US, so no matter what time of day or night, we should be able to meet your needs promptly and efficiently.

Global experience

Our client base is global. We’re used to proofreading for organisations and businesses around the world, including non-native English speakers.

Get in touch

Wordsworks copywriting agency is based in Stockport, just outside Manchester in the UK. We’d be delighted to talk to you about your copywriting needs.
Email us at hello@wordsworks.co.uk. Or click the button below.

"It was a great experience working with Gareth and the Wordsworks team. Their experience in the sector shone through and they quickly got to grips with what we needed, helping us produce a vibrant, engaging course guide for prospective students. They were transparent, communicative and timely throughout the process."

Cheadle & Marple Sixth Form College

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Wordsworks Limited. Registered at 3rd floor, Broadstone House, Stockport SK5 7DL. Company number 04821382.


Wordsworks Copywriting

Broadstone House



0161 443 4206


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